Student Parliament of the Rhenish
Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn

The English language variant of this website is currently under development and will gradually be expanded.

About the Student Parliament

The student parliament is the highest decision-making body of the constituted student body. It is elected every year in January by secret ballot box vote. Lists compete for the 43 seats in order to be able to subsequently form the AStA. It is the task of the student parliament to monitor this. At least once a month, the SP Presidium invites to a meeting at which the AStA gives an account of its work. This is where motions are discussed and decided upon.

In addition, the SP sets up a number of committees to deal with issues quickly and efficiently and to prepare motions for the SP.

All students and interested parties are welcome to attend our meetings and keep an eye on "their" representatives. The meetings are open to the public and all students have the right to speak.

The work of the student parliament is based on the statutes of the student body / Satzung der Studierendenschaft and the basic regulations of the University of Bonn / Grundordnung der Uni Bonn.